Are your utilities higher than they should be? We’ve got a solution for that.
About the Program
In 1975, SENCA started Weatherizing the homes of eligible households, with an emphasis being placed on the homes of the elderly, persons with disabilities, and homes with small children. The goals of the Weatherization Program are to save energy, reduce heating and cooling costs, and to ensure the health and safety of the households served. The average home experiences an average of 18.7% reduction in heating costs. Additional savings are achieved in cooling costs. This conservation of energy reduces Nebraska's dependence on imported energy and is a major contribution to the self-sufficiency of low-income persons allowing them to stretch their available income.
Requirements for the Program
Eligibility guidelines for Weatherization is 200% of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Counties Served
Cass / Johnson / Nemaha / Otoe / Pawnee / Richardson / Sarpy
Contact Person
Gin Christiansen
Contact Email
Contact Phone
402-862-2411 x 110